​​​​Dr. A M K Mohan Rao
Consultant, Rodent and Structural Pest Management

Training Methodology
Batch participation
Field oriented
Skill Development oriented
Steps involved in the Training
Field observations
Data analysis
Chart or Pictorial preparation
Group Presentation
In the case of Integrated Urban Pest Management (UIPM):
All the urban pests, viz., mosquitoes, cockroaches, flies, rodents etc. are covered.
The Exercises include laboratory diagnosis, field inspection, data collection, analysis, current practices, costraint analysis and planning UIPM measures
Awareness Creation Programs to Administrators - Extension strategies of Urban Pest and Vector Management in Local Bodies of India
Development of Curricula
Before the initiation of the capacity building programs, curricula for the programs were formulated through National Workshops inviting Scientists, University faculty, Senior Extension officers etc. After thorough discussion, different aspects to be included in the curriculum are finalized. Curricula for following programs were developed:
Developed curricula on rodent pest management in under Graduate and Post Graduate courses in Agriculture, Horticulture and Veterinary sciences
Developed curricula on Rodent Pest Management for Training of Farmer Trainers to increase lateral spread of the technology among farming community (for PR China and India)
Developed curriculum for Urban Integrated Pest Management for training programs to the supervisory level professionals of Structural Pest Management industry
Developed the curriculum for organizing Farmers' Field Schools focusing on rodent pest management in rodent endemic areas (for PR China and India)
Developing Qualification Pack with 15 National Occupational Standards for Self Employable Skill Development Program on Structural Pest and Vector Management to provide qualified Pest Management Professionals to the Country.
Farmers' Field Schools in Integrated Pest Management
The curriculum developed involving different stakeholders was tested in the Farmers Field School conducted in Andhra Pradesh, India as a Pilot Project. The program has 14-week field activities, each week one day to 30 farmers in one rodent endemic village and significant results could be achieved as given in later pages. The component of rodent pest management was integrated with the activities of general Integrated Pest Management.
Capacity Building Achievements
Planned and Organized number of participatory and skill development oriented on-farm training programs on field rodent pest management for extension functionaries from 1981
Planned and Organized number of capacity building programs on commensal rodent management in rural and storage situations to the functionaries of Warehouses and Pest Control professionals
Planned and Organized 15-day Urban Integrated Pest Management trainings and Master Trainers’ Training for the Structural Pest Management professionals
Organized Training cum Workshops on Integrated Pest Management under FAO-India Inter Country Program
Organized one Season Long Training programs on Groundnut IPM under UNDP Program
Organized for Haffkine Institute, Mumbai a training on URBAN RODENT PEST MANAGEMENT for Structural Pest Management Professional
Teaching and Performance Evaluation
Teaching M.Sc as well as Ph.D students for Environmental Sciences, Ecology and Wildlife Biology subjects for Osmania, Andhra and Sri Venkateswara Universities. Conducted Performance Evaluation of M.Sc., M.Phil and Ph.D students in Environmental Sciences, Entomology, Zoology and Vertebrate Biology for Osmania, Andhra, Sri Venkateswara, Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural, Anna (Madras), Jodhpur and Punjab Agricultural Universities. Also Question Paper setter for some of these universities for Final M.Sc and Pre Ph.D examinations. Referee for renowned National and International Journals including Elsevier Publications.
National Training Programs
Organized a number of 7-day National Training Programs on Rodent Pest Management from 1981 onwards to the middle level field extension functionaries of Agricultural Departments of India. The programs include rodent damage assessment, its appraisal, rodent surveillance, options for their management, rodenticides, their toxicity, judicious use, baiting techniques and planning anti rodent campaigns.
Organized 3-day Apex Level Training programs for Senior Level Extension Officers of Agriculture Departments and faculty of Agricultural Universities. These programs are basically meant for supervisory level officers who will be implimenting rodent control campaigns.
Organized 21-day Summer Institute on Vertebrate Pest Management for teaching faculty and research scientists as introductory to vertebrate pest management aspects in the Under Graduate and Post Graduate curricula of Agriculture and Horticultural courses.
In State Training Programs
Had experience of above 20 years in organization of in State In Situ Training programs on Rodent Pest Management. These programs are organized in the endemic pocket of respective State or Union Territory of India to give Art of Technology to the field extension functionaries on Integrated Rodent Pest Management to tackle rodent problem in their areas. The States include Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Goa, Gujarat, Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, UTs of Lakshadweep A and Andaman and Nicobar Islands. This also facilitated development of more trained extension personnel in the rodent endemic areas. Training programs were given for other organizations like ICRISAT, CWC, FCI, State Farms Corporation of India etc. on request. The details are provided below:
The States where these programs were organized include:
1. Andaman and Nicobar UT,
2. Andhra Pradesh,
3. Arunachal Pradesh,
4. Assam,
5. Bihar,
6. Goa
7. Gujarat,
8. Jammu and Kashmir,
9. Karnataka,
10. Kerala,
11. lakshadweep UT
12. Manipur,
13. Meghalaya,
14. Mizoram,
15. Nagaland,
16. Pondicherry
17. Sikkim,
18. Tamil Nadu,
19. Tripura,
20. Uttaranchal and
21. Uttar Pradesh.
On the request of Ministry of Agriculture, capacity building was provided to the technical personnel of Centre-State Farms Corporation of India (SFCIL) due to havoc created by rodents during 2002 to 2005 in their Farms of Rajasthan and Haryana. Organized Hands on Training to Public health and Sanitation functionaries of Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD), Tirumala during 2005 and 2006 on the directions of Plant Protection Adviser to Government of India and request of the Executive Officer
Training manuals were prepared as guide notes to the participants in these programs.
Manuals Produced for Different States of the Country
2010 Andaman and Nicobar Rodent Problem in Andaman and Nicobar Islands and its Management
2009 Andhra Pradesh Rodent Problem and its management: Guidelines for Extension Officials.
2008 Lakshadweep Rodent problem in coconut and its management
Assam Rodent pests and their management in Assam
2006 Arunachal Pradesh Rodent pests and their management
Andaman &Nicobar Rodent pests and their management
Meghalaya Rodent problem in context with gregarious bamboo flowering and its management
Gujarat Rodent related problems and management
Jammu and Kashmir Rodent pests and their management
2005 Assam Rodent pests and their management in Assam
Uttaranchal Rodent pests and their management
SFCIL Rodent problem in SFCIL farms in Rajasthan and its management
2004 SFCIL Rodent problem in SFCIL farm, Hisar and its management
Jammu and Kashmir Rodent pests and their management
Mizoram Rodent Problem in NOrth-eastern states and its management
2002 Apex Level Training Rodent Pest Management
SFCIL Rodent pest management for SFCIL Farms in Western Rajasthan
2001 Goa Rodent pests and their management
Tamil Nadu Rodent pests and their management
1999 Lakshadweep Rodent pests and their management in Lakshadweep islands
1993 Pondicherry Rodent pests and their management
1992 Uttar Pradesh Rodent pests and their management
1991 Tamil Nadu State training on Rodent Control

Rodent Control Campaign in Chattishgarh January, 2015