​​​​Dr. A M K Mohan Rao
Consultant, Rodent and Structural Pest Management

Research and Experience

International Award
The FAO Funded Technical Cooperation Project on “Rural Rodent Control in Sichuan Province, Peoples Republic of China” executed in China by him as Senior International Consultant bagged the Prestigious biennium Edouard Saouma Award of United Nations in for the biennium 2001-2003.
Professional Memberships
Member, Rodent Specialist Group, Species Survival Commission, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Switzerland
Member Secretary, Scientific Advisory Committee on rodenticides, Central Insecticides Board, Government of India
Member Secretary, Expert Committee on Rodent Control, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India
Member, Central Monitoring Committee, Management of Gregarious Flowering of Melocanna baccifera in North Eastern India, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India
Councillor for Plant Protection Association of India from 1884 to 1990.
Free Lance Consultant (Rodent and Structural Pest Management) (November 2012- till date)
Recognized Reviewer of Elsevier's Journals
Special Invitee by Indian Council of Agricultural Research for Brainstorming Session on Vertebrate Pests and their Management held at New Delhi in February, 2015
Also special invitee for the First Group Meeting of All India Network Project on Vertebrate Pest Management held at CAZRI, Joshpur during October, 2015 and Group Meeting at Thrissur in November, 2017
Guiding International Companies in developing the rodent pest management technologies
Conducted a 3-day Training on URBAN RODENT PEST MANAGEMENT for Haffkine Institute for Pest Control Professionals on 17-19 June, 2015
Extending guidance to the Department of Health, Government of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana on prevention of zoonotic diseases in the two States of India
Consultancy work extended to National Institute of Biotic Stress Management (ICAR), Raipur for a Pilot Project on Rodent Control and Zoonotic Disease Management for Chhatisgarh State of India
Screening a corn cob based rodenticide against commensal rodents
Conducted a Workshop on Current Scenario of Rodenticides and their Future Outlook on 21-22 February, 2014
Honorary Advisor, Food and Agri Business School, Hyderabad
Developing of Second Generation Anticoagulant formulations
Guiding projects on Rodent/Wild boar Repellent and Micronutrient-cum-Repellent in different crops
Free Lance Consultant for Projects on Development of Standard Operations Procedures in different Sectors
Technical Resource Person for Rodent, Non rodent vertebrate and Structural Pest management programs
Involved in Book Writing Projects
Assisting in various organizations (NCDC, ICAR, Ministry of Civil Supplies etc) technically on rodent and vector management
Associated in developing Virtual AGRI Services, a smart phone based IT application with features developing of farm and farmer profiles, soil profile mapping, IPM through pest and disease surveillance, input aggregation and market linkage of produce marketing at farmers' foot steps for enhanced farm returns
National Institute of Plant Health Management (October 2008 - November 2012)
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, India
Steered the National Plan on Rodent Pest Management of Government of India bringing the technologies of rodent pest management to the farmers' fields with planning, monitoring the implementation, capacity building by various States in the Country
Undertook training, teaching, research work on Ecology and Management of Vertebrate Pests to field extension functionaries and Warehouse management/Pest control professionals
Developed the curriculum on rodent pest management for Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses in Agriculture, Horticulture and Veterinary Sciences
Developed curriculum on integrated management of Urban pests for Pest Control professionals
Developed Capacity Building programs for Trainer Farmers in rodent pest management
Developed guidelines for undertaking rodent control campaigns by farming community in rodent endemic areas in the country
Developed Farmer’s Field Schools for lateral spread of technology on rodent control among farming community in the country
Conducted Certificate and Master Trainers' Training program on Urban Integrated Pest Management for the professionals of Structural Pest Management industry
Undertook Teaching and project work on structural pests and their management
Guided students for research projects on vertebrate and structural pests and their management
Central (National) Plant Protection Training Institute (February 1981 - October 2008)
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, India
Planned and organized capacity building programs in Vertebrate pests, especially rodent pests and their management for field and Warehouse management functionaries
The institute being a Recognized Regional Training Centre of Food and Agricultural Organizations of United Nations, training on rodent pest management was imparted to the officers from 14 different countries from Asia, Africa, Europe and South America.
Undertook and guided adoptive research on nature and extent of rodent damage in rice, wheat, sugarcane, vegetables and groundnut and its prevention
Evaluated tracking tiles for use of warfarin as tracking dust for commensal rodent management
Conducted field bio-efficacy evaluation of acute and anticoagulant rodenticides (bromadiolone, brodifacoum and flocoumafen) and non poisonous sticky traps
Conducted two National Workshops on Planning of Rodent and Verebrate Pest Management
Extended technical guidance to States and different organizations in planning, execution and monitoring of rodent pest management activities
Involved in Anti Locust Swarm operations as incharge of Gujarat Sector (Indo-Pak border) during 1994 locust incursion in India
Guided North Eastern States in prevention of rodent problem due to gregarious bamboo flowering of Melocanna baccifera and Dendrocalamus hamiltonii
Involved in organizing FAO-India Inter Country programs on Integrated Pest Management in different parts of country
Involved in FAO and UNDP funded IPM training programs in rice, groundnut and vegetables in the country
Examiner for Ph.D and M.Sc students of JNK Viswavidyalaya, Punjab Agricultural University, Andhra University, Sri Venkateswara University, Jodhpur University, Osmania University and Sri Krishna Devaraya University
Expert for Evaluating/Appraising various Research and Extension Projects
Referee for research publications for publication in national and international journals
All India Coordinated Research Project on Rodent Control (June 1978 - February 1981)
Central Arid Zone Research Institute
Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
Conducted research on biology of different species of mice
Studied the behavioral ecology of desert rodents
Conducted studies on toxicity of zinc phosphide in laboratory
Conducted extensive rodent control campaigns in 3000 hectares as Operational Research Project through Social Engineering Project
Coordinated research work undertaken by all the four centers of AICRP on rodent Control
Assisted the Project Coordinator in monitoring the rodent research work in other cooperating centers
Edited Rodent Newsletter
Sri Venkateswara University (January 1974 - June 1978)
Tirupati, India
Studied ecology of field rodents
Conducted studies on behavior of field rodents in relation to their management
Studied the intrinsic self regulation capacity of field mouse populations
Conducted studies on circadian rhythms of field rodents and
Conducted extension trials on management of field rodents
Taught students of M.Sc (Previous) and M.Sc (Final) students of Zoology in Ecology and Histology
Research Accomplishments
2013 Evaluated Castor Based Wild Boar Repellent in Maize crop
2013 Evaluated the Rodent Repellancy effect and nutrient effect on Rice yielads with Pawan, an Organic plant origin product
2013 Worked out Standard Operation Procedures for Rodent Management in Storage
2012 Standardized the tracking tile method for assessment of rodent infestations in structural and domestic environs
2011-2012 Screened performance of different bait stations for increased bait acceptance by commensal rodents in poultry and structural environs
2003 Developed assessment methodology of field vole population in Armenia
2000-2002 Developed rodent survey and surveillance methodology in domestic and field situations in PR China
1990-1992 Studied persistence of zinc phosphide in ready to use baits against field rodent control
1991-1992 Conducted field Bio-efficacy of Flucoumafen against field rodents
1988 Evaluated non poisonous sticky traps against commensal rodent pests
Evaluated the bio-efficacy of coumatetralyl against commensal rodent pests
1984-1988 Standardized the graph to detect presence of anticoagulant resistance in field rodent populations
Conducted field Bio-efficacy trials of Brodifacoum against field rodents, Developed rodent damage assessment method in wheat crop, Conducted detailed studies on rodent damage in sugarcane crop
1984 Conducted field Bio-efficacy trials of Bromadiolone against field rodents
Standardized of rodent damage assessment method in rice
1982 Evaluated of Tom Cat process of fumigation for field rodent control
1975-1976 Standardized Burrow Count Method of assessment of field rodent infestation